This week’s blog is going to take a different form. Instead of my usual nattering on some island-related topic, let’s do something more interactive. Contrary to how I must sometimes sound, I don’t have all the answers to island living, but I still have plenty of questions. Allow me to ask you to answer one of them.
(Yes, I can hear you, savvy readers, saying, “Well, that’s a lazy-ass way to do a blog.” True. But it allows for more answers than just I could give.)
The question is: Why THIS island? Many people I know have one particular island that they deem their happy place. It’s where they go when the yoga instructor tells them to close their eyes and relax. It’s the place in the photos they keep in their cubicles. For the lucky ones, it’s the location of their retirement or second home.
But why? Why Bermuda and not Jamaica, or vice versa? What is it about Anguilla that’s so special? Why Ocrakoke?
I know people who claim those islands, and many more, as “the” place for them. What I don’t know is why. If you have one particular island, share it here, with your reasons.
Yes, this is difficult to figure out. Heck, my whole blog could be me trying to answer “Why North Caicos?” So I’m not asking for definitive answers, just some hints about what you find appealing. To help, here are some other questions to help you focus.
Does the distance matter to you? Lots of folks here in Virginia focus on drivable beaches and islands … Chincoteague, Topsail, Pawleys, Ocrakoke, Nags Head. How important is that issue?
Do tradition and comfort matter most to you? Familiarity with the places you went as a child can be a strong draw. If your parents had a place in Hilton Head, is that why it still makes you happy?
What about the memories? The honeymoon spot can become the every-year spot. Or not.
Staying in the country, or sampling a foreign culture? Some like the security of not actually leaving home; others need the difference. And then there are places like Key West, which are a bit of both.
Don’t discount your passions. I know some who like TCI mainly for the fishing. Surfing takes others to their happy places. Food, shopping, and that catch-all “family friendly” can also be draws.
If you choose to participate, I think this can be a most informative “blog” for all of us. Sound too difficult? Let me prime the pump.
I asked a former colleague why she continues to visit St. Martin/Sint Maarten. Here was her response:
“Being an aviation geek, St. Maarten was a bucket list airport for its famous Maho Beach landings and takeoffs. It surpassed my expectations. Way beyond that, I fell in love with the little island for its great beauty, friendly people and two distinctly different cultures - Dutch and French. It's the friendliest Caribbean island we've visited. Its ability to rebound from the devastation of Hurricane Irma is nothing short of miraculous. We've been twice since the storm and were overjoyed to find our favorite people resilient and rebuilding. The spirit is inspiring, the beaches breathtaking and our visits life-changing.”
Get the idea? Okay, GO.
(Yes, I can hear you, savvy readers, saying, “Well, that’s a lazy-ass way to do a blog.” True. But it allows for more answers than just I could give.)
The question is: Why THIS island? Many people I know have one particular island that they deem their happy place. It’s where they go when the yoga instructor tells them to close their eyes and relax. It’s the place in the photos they keep in their cubicles. For the lucky ones, it’s the location of their retirement or second home.
But why? Why Bermuda and not Jamaica, or vice versa? What is it about Anguilla that’s so special? Why Ocrakoke?
I know people who claim those islands, and many more, as “the” place for them. What I don’t know is why. If you have one particular island, share it here, with your reasons.
Yes, this is difficult to figure out. Heck, my whole blog could be me trying to answer “Why North Caicos?” So I’m not asking for definitive answers, just some hints about what you find appealing. To help, here are some other questions to help you focus.
Does the distance matter to you? Lots of folks here in Virginia focus on drivable beaches and islands … Chincoteague, Topsail, Pawleys, Ocrakoke, Nags Head. How important is that issue?
Do tradition and comfort matter most to you? Familiarity with the places you went as a child can be a strong draw. If your parents had a place in Hilton Head, is that why it still makes you happy?
What about the memories? The honeymoon spot can become the every-year spot. Or not.
Staying in the country, or sampling a foreign culture? Some like the security of not actually leaving home; others need the difference. And then there are places like Key West, which are a bit of both.
Don’t discount your passions. I know some who like TCI mainly for the fishing. Surfing takes others to their happy places. Food, shopping, and that catch-all “family friendly” can also be draws.
If you choose to participate, I think this can be a most informative “blog” for all of us. Sound too difficult? Let me prime the pump.
I asked a former colleague why she continues to visit St. Martin/Sint Maarten. Here was her response:
“Being an aviation geek, St. Maarten was a bucket list airport for its famous Maho Beach landings and takeoffs. It surpassed my expectations. Way beyond that, I fell in love with the little island for its great beauty, friendly people and two distinctly different cultures - Dutch and French. It's the friendliest Caribbean island we've visited. Its ability to rebound from the devastation of Hurricane Irma is nothing short of miraculous. We've been twice since the storm and were overjoyed to find our favorite people resilient and rebuilding. The spirit is inspiring, the beaches breathtaking and our visits life-changing.”
Get the idea? Okay, GO.