Singular Multiplicities
Sometimes, it's good to look at an object or an issue in a number of different ways-good for both the artist and viewer. These explorations end up as a themed series of artworks. Tie a room together with multiples, or enjoy just one piece out of of these series.
Earth Series
These comments on our embattled environment could be displayed at a school or conservation center, or as an individual's statement. Prices listed are for each piece (click on photos). For pricing on multiples and all purchases, email [email protected]
Tom photographed these shells, found on North Caicos Island, on a black background to focus on nature's beauty. Matted and framed prints cost $100 each. Matted prints without frames are $50 each. To purchase or inquire about pricing of multiples, email [email protected]
Poetry Series
These mosaics are inspired by American poets, but they can also stand on their own as decor. Click on photos for titles, sizes and prices. For purchase or inquiries about multiple pricing, email [email protected]
Corona Flora
These flower close-ups were shot during the coronavirus pandemic, as Tom took daily walks in the Church Hill neighborhood of Richmond. Their shapes and colors put a little cheer into an unstable time. Matted prints are $50 each; matted and framed prints are $100. For purchases and pricing of multiples, email [email protected]