A lot of people will jingle right past Saturday's winter solstice, on their way to other celebrations. They won't notice the sun at its lowest altitude on the shortest day of the year.
That's too bad. I recommend pausing and enjoying the event, mourning the loss of light and celebrating its rebirth.
Yes, Christians, I know that is also the metaphorical point of Christmas. But unless you are the Designated Dingbat for a TV news network, you know that the Christmas celebrations are based on more ancient traditions: Saturnalia, Natalis Invicti, Juul. Those traditions celebrated the cycle of light long before another "light" was born.
The winter solstice also comes without a lot of baggage. The sun is truly nondenominational: It shines on us all, no matter our color, country or religion. No one can claim it belongs to one race. Even if you don't notice the event, a greeting of "happy winter solstice" won't start an argument: Someone is merely wishing you well.
The solstice thus succeeds in fulfilling our seasonal wishes: It unites us instead of creating divisions. Even Sarah Palin can't say, "I don't live under the sun."
You don't have to replace whatever you do four days later. Just get back to basics for one day. Light a candle and marvel at the universe. Be assured that light and warmth will return.
Happy Winter Solstice!
That's too bad. I recommend pausing and enjoying the event, mourning the loss of light and celebrating its rebirth.
Yes, Christians, I know that is also the metaphorical point of Christmas. But unless you are the Designated Dingbat for a TV news network, you know that the Christmas celebrations are based on more ancient traditions: Saturnalia, Natalis Invicti, Juul. Those traditions celebrated the cycle of light long before another "light" was born.
The winter solstice also comes without a lot of baggage. The sun is truly nondenominational: It shines on us all, no matter our color, country or religion. No one can claim it belongs to one race. Even if you don't notice the event, a greeting of "happy winter solstice" won't start an argument: Someone is merely wishing you well.
The solstice thus succeeds in fulfilling our seasonal wishes: It unites us instead of creating divisions. Even Sarah Palin can't say, "I don't live under the sun."
You don't have to replace whatever you do four days later. Just get back to basics for one day. Light a candle and marvel at the universe. Be assured that light and warmth will return.
Happy Winter Solstice!